Remembering those lost on November 21st in years past May they rest in peace and never be forgotten
2004 - K9 Jager, BSNF RR PD 1949 - Thomas J. Costello, Chicago PD 1915 - Ludwig Rudolph Skala, Chicago PD (Park District)

Remembering those lost on August 8th in years past ~May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
2004 - Michael Patrick Gordon, Chicago PD 1933 - Patrick J, Ryan, Chicago PD 1903 - Matthew E. McGrath, Illinois Central RR PD

Remembering those lost on May 28th in years past ~May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
2004 - Terrance Patrick Loftus, DEA 1933 - Richard Groja, Illinois State Police 1929 - Charles Levy, Berwyn PD

Remembering those lost on February 4th in years past ~May they rest in peace and never be forgotten
2004 - William "Wally" Rolniak. Jr., Riverdale PD 1981 - Richard F. Gipson, Chicago PD 1927 - David J. Cairns, Chicago PD 1882 - John...

Remembering those lost on November 25th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
2004 - Patrick Righi-Barnard, Burbank PD 1930 - Hubert J. Dillon, Chicago PD 1930 - James S. Corcoran, Chicago PD

Remembering those lost on November 21st in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
2004 - K9 Jager, BNSF RR PD 1949 - Thomas J. Costello, Chicago PD 1915 - Ludwig Rudolph Skala, Chicago PD (Park District)