Remembering those lost on October 16th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
1970 - John J. Matonich, Chicago PD; 1924 - James T. Williams, DEA; 1921 - Paul Schutz, Chicago PD #ChicagoampNorthwesternRRPD #DEA #1970...

Remembering those lost on October 14th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
1970 - Hector Jordan, DEA; 1921 - Robert G. Murphy, Chicago & Northwestern RR PD #DEA #ChicagoNorthwesternRRPD #1970 #1921

Remembering those lost on May 28th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
2004 - Terrance Patrick Loftus, DEA; 1933 - Richard Groja, Illinois State Police; 1929 - Charles Levy, Berwyn PD #ChicagoPD...

On October 16th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1970 - John J. Matonich, Chicago PD; 1924 - James T. Williams, US Dept of Justice, DEA; 1921 - Paul Schutz, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD...

Correction: On October 14th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1970 - Hector Jordan, US Department of Justice, DEA 1921 - Robert G. Murphy, Chicago & Northwestern RR PD #USDepartmentofJustice #1970...

On May 28th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
2004 - Terrance Patrick Loftus, DEA; 1933 - Richard Groja. Illinois State Police; 1929 - Charles Levy, Berwyn PD #DEA...

On December 19th in previous years ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1967 - Mansel R. Burrell, DEA 1922 - Ralph S. Souders, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1967 #1922 #DEA

On October 16th in previous years ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1970 - John J. Matonich, Chicago PD 1924 - James T. Williams, DEA 1921 - Paul Schutz, Chicago PD #1970 #1924 #1921 #Chicago #DEA

On October 14th in previous years ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1970 - Hector Jordan, DEA 1921 - Robert G. Murray, Chicago & Northwestern RR PD #1970 #1921 #DEA #Chicago #NorthwesternRR