Remembering those lost on December 27th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
1968 - Joseph F. Ferguson, Chicago PD; 1926 - Edwin Halloran, Chicago PD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD #1968 #1926

Remembering those lost on December 26th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
1980 - James E. Jobe, Des Plaines PD 1977 - Thomas Raymond Gesiorski, Chicago PD #DesPlainesPD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD #1980 #1977

Remembering those lost on December 1st in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
1928 - Thomas P. Geary, Chicago PD; 1927 - Vincent Gillespie, Chicago PD; 1925 - James A. Henry, Chicago PD; 1903 - Joseph D. Driscoll,...

Remembering those lost on November 30th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
1938 - Edward J. Lynn, Chicago PD; 1924 - William A. Perrin, Chicago PD; 1919 - Michael Duffy, Chicago PD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD #1938...

Remembering those lost on November 29th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
1941 - William McKinley, Chicago PD; 1924 - Edward J. Cleary, Chicago PD; 1882 - Clarence E. Wright, Chicago PD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD...

Remembering those lost on November 28th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
1934 - Samuel P. Cowley, FBI; 1925 - James H. Carroll. Chicago PD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD #FBI #FederalBureauofInvestigation #1934 #1925

Remembering those lost on November 27th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
1969 - Oliver J Singleton, Chicago PD; 1934 - Herman E. Hollis, FBI; 1925 - Thomas J. Carroll, Chicago PD; 1924 - Peter Mellody, Chicago...

Remembering those lost on November 26th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
2010 - Michael Flisk, Chicago PD; 1897 - Patrick Hartford, Chicago PD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD #2010 #1897

Remembering those lost on November 25th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
2004 - Patrick Michael Righi-Barnard, Burbank PD; 1930 - Hubert J. Dillon, Chicago PD; 1930 - James S. Corcoran, Chicago PD #BurbankPD...

Remembering those lost on October 31st in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
1926 - Floyd A. Beardsley, Chicago PD; 1903 - George A. Airey, Chicago PD (Morgan Park PD) #ChicagoPD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD #1926 #1903

Remembering those lost on July 15th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1971 - Henry C. Dale, US Marshal's Service; 1911 - Thomas Schweig, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #USMarshalsSvc #USMarshalsService...

On October 31st in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1926 - Floyd A. Beardsley, Chicago PD; 1903 - George A. Airey, Chicago PD (Morgan Park PD) #ChicagoPD #ChicagoPDMorganParkPD #1926 #1903