Remembering those lost on March 11th in years past ~ May he rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1911 - Thomas E. Tighe, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1911

Remembering those lost on November 19th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgott
2018 - Samuel Jimenez, Chicago PD; 1923 - John J. McGonigal, Chicago PD; 1911 - John O'Connell, Chicago PD; 1906 - Luke J....

Remembering those lost on July 15th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1971 - Henry C. Dale, US Marshal's Service; 1911 - Thomas Schweig, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #USMarshalsSvc #USMarshalsService...

Remembering those lost on July 2nd in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
2008 - Richard Francis, Chicago PD; 1972 - James R. Scannell, Chicago PD; 1932 - Richard A. Knabb, Des Plaines PD; 1930 - Nels M....

Remembering those lost on March 11th in years past ~ May he rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1911 - Thomas E. Tighe, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1911

On November 19th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1923 - John J. McGonigal, Chicago PD 1911 - John O'Connell, Chicago PD 1906 - Luke J. Fitzpatrick, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1911 #1906 #1923

On July 15th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1971 - Henry c. Dale, US Marshal's Service; 1911 - Thomas Schweig, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #USMarshalsService #1971 #1911

On July 2nd in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
2008 - Richard Francis, Chicago PD; 1972 - James R. Scannell, Chicago PD; 1932 - Richard A. Knabb, Des Plaines PD; 1930 - Nels M....

On March 11th in previous years ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1911 - Thomas E. Tighe, Chicago PD #Chicago #1911

On November 21st in previous years ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1982 - Hamp T. McMikel, Jr., Chicago PD 1970 - Paul G. Thomas, Jr., Chicago PD 1939 - Harry Francois, Chicago PD (Park District) 1932...