Remembering those lost on December 9th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
1979 - Charles L. Moeller, Chicago & Northwestern RR PD; 1932 - William D. Lundy, Chicago PD; 1877 - James S. McElligot, Chicago PD (Lake...

Remembering those lost on December 5th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotte
1877 - Gilbert E. Reynolds, Chicago PD 1853 - James Quinn, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1853 #1877

On December 5th in years past ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1877 - Gilbert E. Reynolds, Chicago PD; 1853 - James Quinn, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1877 #1853

On June 29th in years past ~ May he rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1877 - S. Wellington McArthur, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1877

On December 9th in previous years ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1979 - Charles L. Moeller, Chicago & Northwestern RR PD 1932 - William D. Lundy, Chicago PD 1877 - James S. McElligott, Lake Township...

On December 5th in previous years ~ May they rest in peace and never be forgotten:
1877 - Gilbert E. Reynolds, Chicago PD 1853 - James Quinn, Chicago PD #ChicagoPD #1877 #1857